Room-Interior design-Furniture-Ukulele-Textile-Art
👋🏻 Hi everyone, if you didn’t know me by now:
I am Dodo, the artist behind all the artwork and design on here! 🎨
My motto is: Stare At Art Not Walls
But what does that mean? For one, I believe that colours, art, and the way we live has a huge impact on our outlook in life and wellbeing.💐
For many people art and buying art can seem like a daunting and expensive endeavour.
Secondly, I greatly believe that art should be accessible to everyone and not a luxury that few and far between can enjoy.
While trendy posters can be a cheap and cheerful quick fix or starting point for your walls, eventually everyone starts looking for pieces that truly speak to their individual taste and need for self-expression.
Producing everything in my Edinburgh studio enables me to offer gallery quality fine art prints of original works at very accessible prices. Which in turns gives people all over the world the opportunity to enjoy them!
#stareatartnotwalls #wallart #artandwellbeing #colourfulart #ihavethisthingwithcolor #bedroominspo #statementart #fineartprints #artisthome #howihome #profitableinstagram #aboutme #companyethos #whatitsallabout #behindthescenes #wohnen #finahem #artandinteriors
#myhometoinspire #myinteriorsquares #nestandthrive #clutterfree #mycolourfulinterior #myhousethismonth #colourfulhomevibe
#laidbackluxe #sodomio