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3 for 2: Put 3 prints into your basket and only pay for 2.*
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Thanks so much to everyone who has signed our petition in favour of keeping the...

Thanks so much to everyone who has signed our petition in favour of keeping the fantastic Royal Mile Market ! Here's a little video introducing all the talent on show! The Edinburgh Bow Tie Co. Fiona Luing Stacy Graham Design Etch'd Wooden Treehouse Punkguitar77.com Gerry Gapinski Artist The Edinburgh Natural Skin Care Company The Knights Vault

Royal Mile Market

Take a look at some of the amazing, handmade work on offer at the Royal Mile Market.

This market is under threat! Please sign the petition to save it!

Previous article Guys! We're almost at 10,000 signatures,...
Next article As you all know I have been a trader at Royal Mile Market since day 1. Having...