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As you all know I have been a trader at Royal Mile Market since day 1. Having...

As you all know I have been a trader at Royal Mile Market since day 1. Having the exposure of such a great city centre location has really kickstarted my and each of the trader's businesses; sadly in a somewhat unexpected turn of events this is all now under threat. The lease of the building has been up for renewal recently. We (as the market collectively) had first option to accept (which we did). However - a large London based corporation muscled in offering heaps more money to get their hands on the building and might just get away with it; unethical as this may be. We have contacted and spoken to our local councillors to urge them to keep the market for local businesses who put money back into community. I would be over the moon if you could give your signature to this SAVE THE ROYAL MILE MARKET petition. X

Royal Mile Market

Everybody listen up! Here is a ver important message regarding the future of our lovely market: a multi-million pound London company is trying to take the Tron Kirk from us to turn it into a themed gift shop.

We don't want this to happen, have contacted and spoken to our local councillors etc. to bring our case across.

Please help us out by signing this petition to further strengthen our case!

Save the Royal Mile Market!!
Please sign!

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