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View diedododa Art On Your Wall Using AR On Your Phone

Point your phone (or tablet) at your wall, and see what the art looks like in place. Does the size work? The frame colour? Do the colours in the art work with your sofa? 

To achieve this, you will need to download an app called Art Placer onto your device. When you browse our site on an IOS or Android phone or tablet, you will see a link to launch the app. The art you were viewing, in the size you had selected will be viewable on your wall.

This works by using some pretty amazing technology. It isn't perfect, of course, so please consider the sizing to be approximate. You will be required to follow the instructions to start each time you select a new art piece or size. The instructions are...

  1. Take 3 steps back from the wall.
  2. Point your camera at the floor and move it in circles.
  3. Line up the image shown on the corner between the floor and the wall. (This means you will need to clear a space where you can see the wall and floor meet.)

Then you can move the image, with your finger to different locations on the wall.

Sadly, to change the size of the artwork, you currently need to go back to the website diedododa.com in your browser and select the size, then click the launch button again. Same with changing the artwork itself.One day we will make it more seamless.