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Image of Smile-Photograph-Facial expression-Orange-Happy-Font-Yellow-Material property-Handwriting-896370392501223

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Fangirl, moi?! 🙊Only when the lovely @laurajaneclark_ is involved! This is not the first time one of you lovely people pointed out that you spotted my artwork in one of the Your Home Made Perfect episodes… ….and I’ve never made a song and dance about it! 🤦‍♀️ Until now! 😬 so happy to report that Laura has used some of my pieces in several episodes for her VR extravaganza! No idea what I’m talking about? Well, your missing out. Go watch the show and do report back! Xx @madeperfecttv #stareatartnotwalls #yourhomemadeperfect #artinvr #artinvirtualreality #artforyourwalls #homeimprovementshow #asseenontv #bbc #bbc2 #artinthewild #contemporarywildlifeart
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