Plant-Property-Leaf-Azure-Wood-Terrestrial plant
A place to sit…🌴
I’m loving the more random prompts for this Interior challenge!
This is not the most sat in place but one of my favourite all the same. These are my “thinking chairs”….they face the bedroom window which looks out at just the sky. I sit here when I’m taking a break while working from home. Sometimes when I need a different perspective (literally and figuratively) when trying to figure something out.
#stareatartnotwalls #iicplacetosit #iic #tropicalvibes #moderninterior
#cornersofmyhome #instagraminteriorchallenge #colorsandotherstories #couchstyle #fortheloveofart #colourfulhome #cozyhome #solebich #howihome #interiorboom #eclectichome #colourtherapy #bohome #sodomio #interiorismo #interior4you #mycolourfulhome #realinstahomes #artisthome
#walltowallstyle #boldinteriors #perioddetails #curatedhome