🐽Have a nosey…🐖
…I’ve been meaning to share this pair if commissions from last year for ages!
These were created for a mews property in London that is close to were George Orwell lived.
So yes, the inspiration and details in the main painting (that’s a massive 1.2m x 1.2m) were the man and his life.
“Where the pigs not the bad guys though?!” I hear you ask.
Well yes, they were but It’s so hard to think of Orwell without Animal Farm and pigs.
The lovely lady who commissioned them was in agreement. Why not stick with the protagonists being pigs but make them the good guys!
For the research on this I went deep; started reading Orwell’s earlier work (Burmese Days) chronicling his life as a policeman in then Burma (Myanmar). Then re-reading his most famous novels…his vivid criticism of totalitarian states are now as relevant as ever.
In my own life, the animated movie of Animal Farm had a profound impact on me. It was the first time (maybe when I was 7) I had seen a “cartoon” that was not squeaky and childish, as well the concept of anthropomorphism….obvs I had no idea it was called that!
Flick through to see the first digital mock up of the painting with some of the elements incorporated!
#stareatartnotwalls #originalart #statementart #canvasart #ukartist #edinburghinteriors #edinburghartist #anthropomorphic #georgeorwell #conceptualart #artandinteriors #walltowallstyle #animalfarm #burmesedays #literaryart #onlineartgallery #artistlife #research #pigpainting #pig #animalart #contemporarywildlifeart