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3 for 2: Put 3 prints into your basket and only pay for 2.*
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Plant-Leaf-Botany-Terrestrial plant-Organism-Arecales

🤔Things I learnt about myself last year…*random interior revelation* 🌿 At the start of last year I was determined to create wallpaper and repeat patterns for fabric etc. Somehow I always hit a block somewhere; could never quite see (me)living with it. And finally I realised, I actually just don’t like repeat patterns. My mind is a strange beast, and it took me a while to realise that when surrounded by wallpaper my eyes keep going around in circles with the repeat, doing the same to my thoughts and ultimately that makes me anxious🤷🏻‍♀️ * But I still love seeing patterns and wallpapers in other places! Turns out it’s directly related to how much time spend in the patterned space. So for example hallway, cupboards, restaurants, bars…go patterns! Living room, bedroom, kitchen…not so much… Yet again..I don’t make the rules…just deciphering my brain patterns as I go along… ⚡️Have you had strange interior illuminations? I’d love to hear them! #knowyourself #howihome #patternfree #stareatartnotwalls #ukartist #simplestyle #keepitsimple #artfullyhomes #myinteriorstyletoday #schoenerwohnen #anxiousmind #artistlife #brainpatterns #loveart #edinburghinteriors #artisthome #openminds #creativeprocess #behindthescenes #freeyourthoughts #calmenvironment #statementart #buyartonline
picture of Window-Plant-Green-Leaf-Houseplant-Wood-Terrestrial plant-Table-Art-2132124256948715
picture of Plant-Leaf-Botany-Terrestrial plant-Organism-Arecales-Vegetation-Art-Painting-2132124253615382
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