Picture frame-Orange-Fruit-Art-Rectangle-Natural foods
Yesterday I was asked where the inspiration for one of the protagonists from this series called •Sticky Beaks• came from.
In this particular case it all started with fruit stickers. You know the little things stuck on fruit with a brand name or country of origin. I actually didn’t many hours designing the tiny stickers that went on each fruit in the pieces first. Then decided which fruit can be paired with a bird in a sort of monochromatic but way. Also the bird species and fruit name had to be alliterations….my head is weird that way…so yeah there’s:
🍋Lemon Lorikeet
🍊Tangerine Tanager
🍏Apple Akekee
🟣Plum Pigeon
🍑Peachy Parakeet
…and the series title? Well, fruit is sticky, birds are inquisitive and I’ve always loved that Aussie expression (sticky beak) for a nosey person!
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