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Image of Picture frame-Orange-Fruit-Art-Rectangle-Natural foods-Twig-Wood-Songbird-2105429412951533

Picture frame-Orange-Fruit-Art-Rectangle-Natural foods

🍋🍊🍏🟣🍑 Yesterday I was asked where the inspiration for one of the protagonists from this series called •Sticky Beaks• came from. 🍒 In this particular case it all started with fruit stickers. You know the little things stuck on fruit with a brand name or country of origin. I actually didn’t many hours designing the tiny stickers that went on each fruit in the pieces first. Then decided which fruit can be paired with a bird in a sort of monochromatic but way. Also the bird species and fruit name had to be alliterations….my head is weird that way…so yeah there’s: 🍋Lemon Lorikeet 🍊Tangerine Tanager 🍏Apple Akekee 🟣Plum Pigeon 🍑Peachy Parakeet …and the series title? Well, fruit is sticky, birds are inquisitive and I’ve always loved that Aussie expression (sticky beak) for a nosey person! #justpeachy #stareatartnotwalls #wildlifeart #contemporarywildlifeart #buyartonline #creativeprocess #howihome #brightboldhome #edinburghinteriors #schoenerwohnen #mylvngrm #mooi #artfullyhomes #solebich #artisthome #ukartist #imadethis #makeart2021 #staydifferent #dailydecordose #myinteriorstyletoday #ihavethisthingwithcolor #fineartprints #madetoorder #walltowallstyle
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picture of Picture frame-Orange-Fruit-Art-Rectangle-Natural foods-Twig-Wood-Songbird-2105429412951533
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