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Image of Shipping box-Packing materials-Carton-Rectangle-Box-Packaging and labeling-Cardboard-Font-Paper product-2038102699684205

Shipping box-Packing materials-Carton-Rectangle-Box-Packaging and labeling

…well, if you can get petrol that is?!🤔 Jokes obvs because the origin of the expression has nothing to do with motor vehicles. Although it can if you prefer it to. Because that’s the thing with this particular expression…it can mean dancing, driving, or as I prefer it - be a reminder to keep on going (wherever it may lead you) fast or slow…and don’t forget those truck stops ;) I’ve always loved the expression and it’s been a total motto of 2021 for me. Somehow 2020 was easier to navigate for my head…how about you? #keepontrucking #keepongoing #makeart2021 #creativelife #greetingscards #vintagevibes #retroaesthetics #simplestylehome #dailyinspiration #tropicalvibe #ukwholesaler #smallbusiness #edinburghbusiness #dontstop #productphotography #bohostyle #funkyvibes #sendacard #inspirationalquote
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picture of Brown-Rectangle-Packaging and labeling-Carton-Box-Font-Shipping box-Cardboard-Circle-2038102679684207
picture of Rectangle-Material property-Packaging and labeling-Font-Brand-Logo-Graphics-Circle-Paper product-2038102683017540
picture of Shipping box-Packing materials-Carton-Rectangle-Box-Packaging and labeling-Cardboard-Font-Paper product-2038102699684205
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