Who else is moving furniture and organising all the shelves and cupboards?!
These vintage style cinema seats used to be in the hallway...they were an absolute steal from a wholesalers (like most of our furniture) and I always thought of them as ornamental....turns out they are super comfy to sit and read in, or just pile clothes on at the end of they day!
And into the bedroom they went!
Two birds with one stone: no
More looking for pricey armchairs for the bedroom and the seats are more centre stage where they belong! #lockdownlife #artisthome #interiorstyling #vintageindustrial #crashbangcolour #cornerofmyhome #colourlover #realinstahomes #howihome #wohnen #solebich #paintedceiling #cinemaseats #livingwithart #vogueliving #apartmenttherapy #diyinterior #stareatartnotwalls