Oh hey I haven’t shown my face on here for a while. And that’s not my face. Go figure...anyway, who else loves being up ladders in dodgy outfits? No? Just me then. I genuinely love painting walls. And ceilings. And the lot. This action shot was taken by @entertheblackbox who may have been slightly dubious of the colour choice upon the first patchy coat. There’ll be a proper straight line dividing the light side from the dark soon, too...promise....#sneakpeek #actionshot #diydecor #newhome #deliciousdarkdecor #styleitdark #colourblock #dodgyoutfitsofinstagram #wohnen #interiorstyling #homedecor #solebich #howwelive #finahem #creativelife #diedododaindahouse #stareatartnotwalls #creativeedi #edinburghproperty #myeclecticmix #staydifferent #paintyourselfhappy