Flower-Plant-Floral design-Botany-Floristry-Flowering plant
Creative block? What creative block...
for me the best way to work through the occasional impasse is to play in a style that’s completely unrelated to the piece I am looking to finish. It’s like a reset button while still teaching me something..
Usually a pretty neat painter etc. for my little brain reset I went for a very loose improvised and abstract botanical whatnot... #creativeblockremedy #cantstopshantstop #keeplearning #selftaught #painterly #abstractbotanical #pinkandgreen #bouquet #skills #workingartist #creativelife #edinburghblogger #creativeedi #myeclecticmix #resetbutton #brainhack #lifehack #stareatartnotwalls #postitfortheaesthetic #diedododa