Brown-Wood-Font-Material property-Tints and shades-Wood stain
💎Because I do a lot of creative work from home I’m a big fan of keeping surfaces usable for spontaneous projects, so there are generally no stylishly curated tabletop displays here.
What does end up on the kitchen table is a random assortment of: *jewellery I take off when I get home (scarf pins)
*jewellery I take off before starting to cook(rings)
* jewellery o take off before jump
In the shower (necklaces)….
Oh and a collection of favourite lip balms!
These reproduction French matchstick holders are great for all of these small but important items!
#stareatartnotwalls #artisthome #mylayeredhome #mydiyhome #creativelife #atmine #schoenerwohnen #rusticinterior #apartmenttherapy #walltowallstyle #myinteriorstyletoday #iic #iiconthetable #jewellerylover #diyjewellery #instagraminteriorchallenge #paintedceiling #boldinteriors #myhomevibe #myinteriorstyletoday #boldinteriors #iicwooden #edinburghinteriors #howihome #colourinmysquare #edinburghart #artfullyhome #arteverywhere